awesome. i didn't know that could be done!

thank you!
Jimmi Dyson wrote:
You can still use the tapestry-spring integration - the spring prefix
still exists in your hivemodule as well as in your page/component specs:

<set-object property="propertyToSet"
                    value="spring:beanToInject" />

And make sure you have a setPropertyToSet method in your service
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Lake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 29 June 2006 04:46
To: Tapestry users
Subject: getting spring services inside my custom service (
IEngineService) using hivemind

Hello folks, I've tried bouncing around the usual spots for getting information on what i'm trying to do. no luck.

For those of you familiar with Tong's book, I've implemented his chapter

which demonstrates a custom service for displaying an image. now to get the bytes from a REAL database..

I have DAOs set up as spring beans to for utilizing hibernate. Normally in page objects I can use Howard's tapestry-spring contribution to access them via @InjectObject("spring:userDao")

..but it seems that's not allowed in custom services... I'm pretty sure I need to make a setter and use the <set-object property="..."> element in hivemodule.xml. beyond that, I'm lost at how to get my spring/hibernate DAO in there.

any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks


Here's my current hivemodule.xml

<module id="com.mydomain.tapestryspring" version="1.0.0">
            <construct autowire-services="false"
                    service-id="hivemind.ShutdownCoordinator" />
                <set-object property="context"
                    value="service:tapestry.globals.WebContext" />
    <service-point id="CaptchaService"
            <construct class="">
                <set-object property="linkFactory"
                    value="service:tapestry.url.LinkFactory" />
    <service-point id="ImageService"
            <construct class="">
<set-object property="linkFactory" value="service:tapestry.url.LinkFactory"/>
        <service name="image" object="service:ImageService" />
        <service name="captcha" object="service:CaptchaService" />
        <state-object name="user" scope="session">
            <create-instance class="com.mydomain.shared.models.User" />


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