When you use a component in a loop, only one instance
of it is used.
The problem is that in the java code of your page, you
can not, as you said,
 reference the second,say,  'component' in the loop.
Each 'copy' of the component in the loop can be
uniquely identified by

Example : .page
   <component id="loop" type="For">
        <binding name="source" value="ognl:entries"/>
        <binding name="value"  value="ognl:entry"/>   
            <binding name="index" value="myIndex"/>          

   <component id="inputTF" type="TextField">      
        <binding name="value" value="ognl:entry" />   

  <span jwcid="loop">
           Entry : <input type="text" jwcid="inputTF"/>  <br>


The generated html would be :

           Entry : <input type="text" name="inputTF" value=""
id="inputTF"/>   <br>
           Entry : <input type="text" name="inputTF_0"
value="" id="inputTF_0"/>        <br>
           Entry : <input type="text" name="inputTF_1"
value="" id="inputTF_1"/>        <br>

Note that the inputTF, inputTF_0, inputTF_1 are the
unique clientIds.
A possible solution  is to use a custom delegate to 
record the clientId of the component in error, in your
java code.
In the custom delegate, you have your own method 
 public void writeSuffix, to mark the  fields in
The following is an example to illustrate the above.
( But I have not put in the error message .)


public abstract class TestComponentInLoop extends
BasePage implements
                PageBeginRenderListener {

        public abstract MyDelegate getDelegate();

        public abstract String[] getEntries();

        public abstract void setEntries(String[] str);

        public abstract int getMyIndex();

        public abstract void setMyIndex(int ent);

        public void formSubmit(IRequestCycle cycle) {
                // Mark the second inputTF in error             
                MyDelegate delegate = getDelegate();

        public String getEntry() {
                return getEntries()[getMyIndex()];

        public void setEntry(String str) {
                getEntries()[getMyIndex()] = str;

        public void pageBeginRender(PageEvent arg0) {
                if (getEntries() == null) {
                        String[] entries = new String[3];




.page :

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE page-specification PUBLIC 
        "-//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry
Specification 4.0//EN" 


class="man.pages.TestComponentInLoop" >
           Custom validation of a component in a loop
   <component id="loop" type="For">
        <binding name="source" value="ognl:entries"/>
        <binding name="value"  value="ognl:entry"/>   
            <binding name="index" value="myIndex"/>          

   <component id="inputTF" type="TextField">      
        <binding name="value" value="ognl:entry" />   


  <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Quanta Plus">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<body jwcid="@Body">
   <form jwcid="@Form" listener="listener:formSubmit"
         <span jwcid="loop">
           Entry : <input type="text" jwcid="inputTF"/>  <br>


      <input type="submit"/>


--- Christian Dutaret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I have a form which contains input fields (e.g.
> PropertySelection 
> components) within For loops.
> I need to perform some custom validation, which
> sometimes acts across 
> several fields. I usually implement single-field
> validation through 
> validators, and cross-field validation in the
> listener (this is 
> necessary because i cannot validate against other
> fields if the 
> corresponding property value has not been set yet)
> The problem I am facing with fields nested in loops
> is that i do not 
> have access to the corresponding components (I need
> the component to 
> pass to the validation delegate) through
> getComponent(id). Only the last 
> iteration component is available, the previous one
> are gone.
> Is there any way to retrieve all components within
> the For loop?
> I hope this is clear enough, not really easy to
> explain...
> Any help appreciated
> Thx
> Ch.
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