Hi Peter.

> is any a built in component and will this work for height, width,
> bgcolor or anything else. will look it up in the meantime.

Yes, Any is a very useful built in component. Check the docs.
Also check out the docs on formal and informal parameters:

Basically, formal ones are those defined in a component's docs.
Informal parameters can be anything you want. For example:

<span jwcid="@SomeComponent" someattribute="ognl:myDynamicValue()">

Now in your page's Java class you might have:

public String myDynamicValue() // or int return type etc
        // calculate something ...
        return result;

See how you can easily move the production of any attribute into
Java if you wish? This is one of Tapestry's great strengths.

Also, to simplify Danny's example, you don't need the "element"
attribute if the template uses the tag you want to use i.e. <td>:

<td jwcid="@Any" height="ognl:height">


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