Hi everyone,

I'm using tapestry 4.0.1 with Tacos 4-beta-3-20060616
I have a problem. In my component I'm trying to use the AjaxForm.

When I submit the form, nothing happens. If I try to submit it again, the following error occurs:

Rewind of form FormularioManutencao/formularioDinamico.$RelacionamentoHandler.form expected only 0 form elements, but an additional id was requested by component FormularioManutencao/formularioDinamico.$RelacionamentoHandler.$AjaxSubmit.

I tried to put the tag "updateComponents" in the AjaxForm and AjaxSubmit button in various ways, but none worked.

Please, somebody helpme?

The code is below:

<div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" id="formAjax" >
<form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:AjaxForm" id="form">
              <td> <div id="id1" action="ognl:listeners.formSubmit"
                   jwcid="@tacos:AjaxSubmit" value="ok"/></td>
                  <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
                          value="ognl:values" size="100"/>

The java Code:

public abstract class RelacionamentoHandler extends BaseComponent implements PageBeginRenderListener {
      public abstract void setValues(Object value);
   public abstract Object getValues();
    public void pageBeginRender(PageEvent event){
     if( getValues() == null){
  public void formSubmit(IRequestCycle cycle){

Rodnei Couto

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