
it would of course be great if you'd provide your code.

I wasn't aware you had already done some work in the area, only today
by means of google I read your posting from november 05. What is the
status of your code? Is it currently in use with alfresco? Have you
tried it with other JCRs, such as jackrabbit? Is it available for
download anywhere? Apparently, there is a handful of people interested
in JCR access through Tapestry, so I think we should set something up.

If it wasn't for you mail, I would have created a "tapestry-jcr"
sourceforge project
and would have started working on the functionality your code
apparently provides. I have little time to spare for it, though, so to
start of with already working code would give it quite a
boost. But I don't want to "steal" your project from you - maybe you
want to turn it into a sourceforge project yourself? I'm sure people
will use those components and you'll get a lot of credit for it.

Well, if you don't, let me know. In that case I'll be happy to start a
project based on your implementation.



On 7/10/06, Simeon Koptelov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh, if you're interested in it, I can give my code for JCR integration as a
base :)

2006/7/9, Lutz Hühnken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I haven't really looked at it, but I was wondering... as far as I
> understand, you'd like to integrate CMS-managed content into a
> Tapestry-based site.
> You mention Magnolia... afaik, Magnolia uses a JSR 170 compliant
> content repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit
> ("";), to store the content.
> It provides a number of JSP tags to access that content from within
> your page templates
> ("";).
> It seems getting content out of Jackrabbit is not all that hard. So
> here's my idea: Why don't we start a project to build some Tapestry
> components to access content repositories that conform with JSR 170? A
> possible approach could be to re-implement the Magnolia JSP taglib, or
> parts of it, as Tapestry components. Or maybe Stitches could be used
> as a starting point.
> This way, I would think, you could use any JSR 170 compliant CMS to
> manage your content, and could integrate the content in a Tapestry
> based site using this new component library.
> What do people think? Is that realistic? Would it work? Would such a
> component library be of interest to anyone?
> Lutz
> On 7/1/06, Mike Grundvig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has anyone integrated any sort of CMS tool with Tapestry? I've looked
> into
> > Magnolia and several others, but all seem to require an uphill battle if
> > they are to be tied into Tapestry and I was wondering if someone else
> has
> > already done this. Thanks!
> >
> > Michael Grundvig
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