Rui Pacheco wrote:
Hi all

This is not a pure Tapestry question, but I believe you have seen this
before and might be able to give me some guiding light.

I have a web application, which I am splitting into several fragments, ie, components, each one rendering content stored in a database. I just realised
my index page would have 9 such fragments and if each is to retrieve a
connection from the pool to get its content, the stress on the db server
might be crazy, even if each request is quite short.

I have a connection pool, but even with that I don't believe its healthy to
use 9 connections at the same time. What about the other users?

How would you deal with this issue?
Each request will be served in separate thread, so all your 9 components will
be rendered one-by-one and one connection associated with current thread
will be used by all of them. Thats off course if you have your connection implemented as threaded Hivemind service. By the way, I would highly recommended you to implement your logic as Hivemind services too, and wire those services with connection. In other words,
use DAO pattern.

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