any oracle developer or dba could tell you:

alter system kill session 'sid,serial';

Kills any session. In Oracle you can allways kill session that have
gone astray. And even if it doesn't work from sql+, you can always
look op the OS-pid (in v$session) and kill the process on the os
level. (Be sure that you set job_queue_processes to 0, because if you
don't Oracle sometimes restarts the job).


---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: Scheduling tasks
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 07:28:42 -0500

>I can't comment on Quartz but I did use the Oracle scheduler until
>someone scheduled a query that ran for hours and made the database
>useless. It was difficult to recover from because you could not login
>to stop the task.
>If you schedule
>* * * * * wget http://localhost/cronjob
>then you don't have any machine dependencies although I generally
>schedule a shell script because I want an email if it fails which
>leads to Quartz only works when the JVM is running. I've seen enough
>JVM crashes to have a cronjob that restarts Tomcat. I don't recall
>cron ever crashing.
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