
I have defined a custom service to generate images on fly. I need to inject an application state object into my service. Normally I would use @InjectState("XXXList") in a page implementation. However this time I need to make a setter and use the <set-object property="..."> or <set-configuration property="..."> element in hivemodule.xml.


    <contribution configuration-id="tapestry.state.ApplicationObjects">
        <state-object name="gelCompareList" scope="session">
            <create-instance class="com.kodak.mis.web.GelCompareList"/>

<service-point id="GelCompareImageService" interface="org.apache.tapestry.engine.IEngineService">
<construct class="com.kodak.mis.web.engine.GelCompareImageService"> <set-object property="linkFactory" value="service:tapestry.url.LinkFactory"/> <set??? property="gelCompareList" value="state:gelCompareList"/> ------------->Here is where I want to inject the state object


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