Hi all

I'm wondering if the way to define validators for fields inside a component
is the same as for fields inside templates.

I have defined a component as being a piece of html, the definition file and
the java class. In the definition file (.jwc), I have declared the validator
this way:

<component id="uname" type="TextField">
        <binding name="value" value="ognl:uname"/>
        <binding name="validators" value="validators:required"/>

But teh "validators" tag is ignored. When I include my component in a page
and submit the firm, the validator is simply ignored. If that field is left
blank the form is submitted just the same.

I know from my own experience that this works, because when I included that
validator in a .page file, the validation is done properly.

Is anyone aware of such issues?
Rui Pacheco

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