Chris should be careful to check stuff in before he
IMs people about it ;)

Should be in Trails SVN tonight for those that want

--- James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you looking to only query for the rows that you
> need?  Are you using
> Hibernate?  If so, then I need to get my
> HibernateTableModel out there
> somewhere.  OR, you can use the one that's becoming
> available in Trails.
> Chris IMed me this morning and said that he's done
> with it!  Chris, I hope I
> didn't steal your thunder or let the proverbial cat
> out of the bag.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danny Mandel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:56 AM
> To: Tapestry users
> Subject: Re: how to do pagin
> Hi,
> Take a look at contrib:table:
> le.html
> This will do what you want.
> Danny
> zqzuk wrote:
> > hi, just wondering if theres any element that
> allows auto-paging search
> > results... im using the FOR element to output
> search results btw. thank u 
> >   
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