Looks good Kevin! :)

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 15:52 -0400, Kevin Menard wrote:
> Hi all,
> In a recent thread on T5, Howard said the only thing he asked for in return
> is to see Tapestry get some exposure.  So, in that vain, I'm announcing the
> release of a small product based on Tapestry 4 here.
> Briefly, we make a product called the WebReboot.  We provide an API for
> integrating the product with custom software.  Up until releasing this
> development server, the only way to program with the WebReboot was for each
> developer to have one of his own.  It was a bad situation overall.  To
> alleviate the problem we created a Tapestry-based app called the WebReboot
> Development Server [1] that emulates the hardware and lets people develop
> their applications far more easily.
> Anyway, what I think is interesting about this is that rather than using
> Tapestry internally, we're distributing it for our customers to use.  So,
> people that may not even be Web developers will be running a
> Tapestry-powered application.
> To be honest, going into this project, we weren't sure Tapestry was going to
> be the best fit.  Particularly, we needed fine-grain control of the URLs,
> which has traditionally been a bit of a weakness for Tapestry.  However, the
> ability to package everything up as a standalone app was a major selling
> point, beating out alternatives, such as Django.  As it turned out, we took
> care of the URLs with a simple filter and Tapestry was a perfect fit
> otherwise.  We're quite pleased with the result and hope that this release
> will somehow help the Tapestry community.
> [1] http://dev.servprise.com/
Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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