> I have menu and locale selection in my border and some other stuff and I

Regardless of wether you use the Border pattern or not you are not forced to
duplicate content in the static versions. Whatever is between the <div> tags 
replaced with the template of your Border/NavigationPane/Header/Footer 

It is merely a good idea to have sample markup there to be able to verify 
the static layout.

I find that the Border pattern forces you to add a lot of "dead"(ignored by 
tapestry) html
if you want to maintain the template viewable directly from the file.

> don't want to put this in all pages. But keeping the static version in all
My main objective is to have as little as possible "dead" html.

> pages seems almost as tedious. Or maybe I'll just add the css in all pages
Are you using inline css? why not proper stylesheets in a separate .css 

> and then the design guy will have to imagine all the menu stuff around 
> each
> page body. But I'm not happy with this. ....

Hmm, ok, let me suggest that you use Home.htm as the main static layout in 
the sense that
all the html is kept up to date wether ignored by Tapestry or not.

Make a component called Menu and give it a template containing the html 
within the menu including
the enclosing <div>. Put jwcid="@Menu" on the relevant div in Home.htm.

Assuming your designer is up to scratch the menu will be an unordered list 

Then update all other page templates with

<div id="menu" jwcid="@Menu"><ul><li><a href="#">One</a></li><li><a 

You are now able to verify the design visually and maintain it with little 
overhead. Of course you cannot verify the links in the static
design, but that would be pointless anyhow as they do not reflect the actual 

> Malin
> On 8/21/06, hv @ Fashion Content <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is why I don't use the Border component pattern, but add the basic
>> structure to all pages.
>> With a decent css design and some NavigationPane/Header/Footer components
>> you can keep
>> the additional tags quite low, and allow the designer maximum freedom.
>> Something like:
>> <html jwcid="shell">
>> <head jwcid="$remove$">
>> ...
>> </head>
>> <body jwcid="body">
>> <div id="navbar" jwcid="navbar"><ul><li>Link</li></ul></div>
>> <div id="content">
>> ..
>> </div>
>> <div id="footer" jwcid="footer">copyright etc.</div>
>> Henrik
>> "Malin Ljungh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse
>> >I thought one of the main advantages of Tapestry was that you can open
>> your
>> > html files directly from
>> > the filesystem and see how they actually will look when rendered by the
>> > Tapestry servlet.
>> >
>> > But now when my design guy is about to do the css this is not the case,
>> > and
>> > I guess it is because I have not entered static bodies to the 
>> > components
>> > that renders its own body in a proper way. And the biggest "problem" is
>> > maybe the border component.
>> > Am I supposed to insert a static version of my border component in each
>> > and
>> > every page to get this to work properly? What if I change the border
>> > component - I will have to change all my files...
>> >
>> > I realise this is not a critical runtime issue, but I thought maybe I
>> have
>> > missed something here. How do you guys handle this?
>> >
>> > Malin
>> >
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