
But my solution is "Don't use tacos, because DOJO has almost the same

I can use(see) a dropdowndatepicker, but how do I use that in
combination with Tapestry? Can someone give me an example?

I can't find any good documentation about that (just like the other
parts of Tapestry :( )

I tried:

<input name="bornDate" id="bornDate" dojoType="DropdownDatePicker"

I can choose a date but, when submitting the form, it doesn't store the
right (new selected) date, found in the bornDate textfield.


Do you have a lot of free time? Please write some good Tapestry 4
tutorials with example code! :P

-----Original Message-----
From: Pedro Viegas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: donderdag 31 augustus 2006 22:43
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: How to use tacos components?

You may have a dojo incompatibility issue.
Take a look at what version of dojo you have installed and what version
TACOS release you have requires.
I had a similar issue a while back and this was the reason.

Hope it helps,

On 8/31/06, Jasper Huzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to use tacos components but I doesn't work as espected
> I've configured my tapestry project for usage of tacos. I can use (and
> see) DOJO objects when I add in example
> <div dojoType="FloatingPane"
>             title="Inner window"
>             constrainToContainer="false"
>             style="left: 20px; top: 60px; width: 120px; height:
> (I think the configuration is ok?)
> I tried to add to my html
> <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:DatePicker" value="ognl: bornDate" /> and
> see the picker icon. My problem is that I can't click (can click but
> does nothing:P) on the DatePicker.
> How do I use the tacos:DatePicker in example?

Pedro Viegas

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