I like using the reset service, instead of disabling cache.
This way i can control when the templates+xml are reloaded.

I simply have a tab opened at
and refresh it whenever i want changes to be reloaded.

See http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry4/UsersGuide/configuration.html
for how to enable it.

Jan Normann Nielsen wrote:
> Jan Normann Nielsen skrev:
>> Hi
>> I'm currently writing a Tapestry web application using Tapestry 4.0.2
>> under Tomcat 5.5.18 and JDK 1.5.0_08.
> [bla-bla - snip]
>> I this is not a lot of information to go by, but my application is
>> quite big and this is what I have narrowed the problem down to. I
>> have a feeling that this might be some sort of concurrency issue
>> within Tapestry, mostly because each of the iframes render fine on
>> their own, and I am almost sure there were no errors at the time we
>> used XML files for page/component specs.
>> Does anyone have an idea what the problem is and what I do work
>> around it? It's really a show-stopper for me.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jan Nielsen
> I probably should have Googled for my problem before posting to this
> list, anyway I've found out what the problem is: It's issue 848 and by
> not running with disable-caching on seemed to fix the problem.
> Anyway, having to reload the application on every change slows down
> development speed, so it would be nice if anyone had a better
> solution. Are there any plans to work on this issue?
> Best wishes,
> Jan
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Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / J2EE Consulting 

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