Are you watching the memory and cpu usage of javaw.exe?  My instinct
says you're creating objects without destroying them, or there is a
inf loop somewhere (or both).


On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all

I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished and it works,
except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down to a crawl
and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser status bar
slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any errors

I believe this problem is not external do the application because the same
thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two completelly
different environments.

Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're suppose to go
into production and this is the only thing stopping us.

Rui Pacheco

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