Hi all; first off, I just wanted to express my thanks to the devs and community for making Tapestry. It's a real piece of art. Thanks!

I'm working on a site that has an admin system to store advertisments. These advertisements are small HTML blocks that they want inserted into specific places inside of a page. The entire site is broken into sections and the ads are tied to all the pages in a section. I know I can make a custom component and inject my ad service into it and then use that to load the files from the file system and dump the ad HTML right into the pages but that feels very clumsy. I want the ad HTML to be valid tapestry pages in their own right so they can take advantage of all the capabilities of tapestry.

Basically, Id like a component that looks something like this:

<span jwcid="@AdDisplay" adId="1" sectionId="learn">Ad 1 goes here</span>

And that would go on every page with a different section id for all locations. Then it would do this internally (psuedo code, obviously):

// the url for this ad might be "/ads/blah.html" (yes, I have friendly urls working)
Template template = getAdService().getTemplate(adId, sectionId);

How can I get a page from the tapestry engine via the name or path or some such in a way that I can dump it into the page? Thanks in advance for any advice!


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