If I'm understanding the question correctly, you probably want to do:

   @InjectObject( "engine-service:external" )
   public abstract IEngineService getExternalService();

       ExternalServiceParameter param = new ExternalServiceParameter(
pageName, new Object[] { ... } );
       ILink link = this.getExternalService().getLink( false, param );
       return link;

Returning the external link to the page redirects to the page.

On 9/26/06, Daniel Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Guys, help me again.

I have 2 pages.
The problem is to call the method activateExternalPage on page B.  This is
what i have done so far, but no sucess.
The page B loads without the values passed on the ExternalCallback.

What is missing?
Page A

public abstract EditarForm getEditPage();

    public EditarForm edit(String id,Produto produto,DetalheDTO detalhe){
                new ExternalCallback(getEditPage(),
                        new Object[] { produto, detalhe }));
        return getEditPage();


Page B implements IExternalPage and has the method public void
activateExternalPage(Object[] parameters, IRequestCycle cycle)

The problem is that the method activateExternalPage

We shall go on to the end.
We shall fight in France
We shall fightover the seas and oceans.
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air.
We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be
We shall fight on beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
We shall fight on the hills.
We shall never surrender.
Winston Churchill

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