Hi all,

I am observing a very strange behavior with EventListener.

On a first example, I have a PropertySelection component that updates an
Insert component under onchange event using @EventListener annotation. Works

Now I have the same PropertySelection component (A), now updating another
PropertySelection (B) object within the same form (instead of the Insert
component). When A changes, I can see from the dojo console that in addition
to the content of B (which is correctly updated), the javascript code that
registers the onchange event is also executed again (this didn't happen on
the example with the Insert component). As a result, it seems that the event
is registered twice: when A changes again, my listener is called twice, then
four times on the following change, etc

Does that make any sense to you guys?

extracted from the dojo console when component A changes:

DEBUG: 14:47:20: Response recieved.
DEBUG: 14:47:20: Received element content for id <formhidden> of: <input
type="hidden" name="formids" value="a,sb,c,Submit"/> <input type="hidden"
name="component" value="form"/> <input type="hidden" name="page"
value="Home"/> <input type="hidden" name="service" value="direct"/> <input
type="hidden" name="submitmode" value=""/> <input type="hidden"
name="submitname" value=""/>
DEBUG: 14:47:20: Received element content for id <sb> of: <option value="0"
selected="selected">Choose...</option> <option value="3">B3</option> <option
DEBUG: 14:47:21: evaluating script: //<![CDATA[ dojo.require("dojo.event");
dojo.require("tapestry.*"); //]]>
DEBUG: 14:47:21: evaluating script: //<![CDATA[ tapestry.cleanConnect(
dojo.byId("a"), "onchange", "formEvent1723431748");
tapestry.formEvent1723431748=function(e){ var
content={beventname:"onchange"}; tapestry.event.buildEventProperties(e,
content); if (!content["beventtarget.id"]) content["beventtarget.id"]="a";
var validateState=tapestry.form.forms["form"].validateForm; var
validateForm=false; tapestry.form.setFormValidating("form", validateForm);
tapestry.form.submitAsync("form", content);
validateState); }; dojo.event.connect(dojo.byId("a"), "onchange", tapestry,
"formEvent1723431748"); //]]>

Thanks for any help

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