I was able to do this recently without too much trouble by studying this
code (though I use HtmlUnit as the client, rather than Selenium):


It assumes a Maven2 directory structure, but you might be able to get some
ideas even if you aren't using Maven.

On 9/28/06, Kevin Whitley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry for the newbie question (the FAQ for this mailing list is
empty?) but I've been banging my head on this wall for a bit.

I've written some small test Tapestry 4 applications and deployed to
Tomcat with no trouble.  But what I'd like to do is to completely
embed the servlet engine in my code.  Jetty seems to be a good tool
for that.  But I haven't been successful putting together a Jetty 6
servlet with Tapestry.  I can't even tell if I'm calling the wrong
methods in Jetty, or my configuration is wrong or what.

So, are there any trivial examples of code with this stack?  All the
examples I've seen so far have been with old code and I'd rather
start with the most recent releases.

Thanks for any help,

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