For components, .jwc should start with (note that
component-specification) :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE component-specification PUBLIC
  "-//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry
Specification 4.0//EN"


--- jake123 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I have a problem when I try to call my index
> page that contain 7 custom
> components. One of them is a login component. this
> component generates a
> org.apache.tapestry.util.xml.DocumentParseException
> that says:
> Unable to read
> context:/WEB-INF/components/Login.jwc: Document root
> element
> "component-specification", must match DOCTYPE root
> "page-specification".
> It also point out that the error are in my Login.jwc
> file:
> context:/WEB-INF/components/Login.jwc, line 5,
> column 42
> 1     <?xml version="1.0"?>
> 2     <!DOCTYPE page-specification PUBLIC "-//Apache
> Software
> Foundation//Tapestry Specification 4.0//EN"
> 3
> 4     
> 5     <component-specification allow-body="no">
> 6     <description>It renders a login form or a change
> password
> form.</description>
> 7     
> 8     <!-- LOGIN FORM -->
> 9     <component id="loginForm" type="Form" >
> 10    <binding name="listener" value="listener:onLogin"
> />
> I see no error in this file, and if I try to open
> the file in my web browser
> the entire file is opened so I guess that there is
> no XML error in th e
> file. 
> Does anybody know how to solve this error?
> the entire Login.jwc look like this:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE page-specification PUBLIC "-//Apache
> Software Foundation//Tapestry
> Specification 4.0//EN"
> <component-specification allow-body="no">
>       <description>It renders a login form or a change
> password
> form.</description>
>       <!-- LOGIN FORM  -->    
>               <component id="loginForm" type="Form" >
>                       <binding name="listener" value="listener:onLogin"
> />
>                       <binding name="delegate" value="beans.delegate"
> />
>               </component>
>               <!-- INPUT BOXES -->
>               <component id="inputUsername" type="TextField" >
>               <binding name="value" value="userName" />  
>               <binding name="displayName"
> value="literal:Username"/>
>               <binding name="validators"
> value="validators:required,minLength=5" />
>           </component>
>           <component id="inputPassword" type="TextField">
>                       <binding name="value" value="password" /> 
>                       <binding name="hidden" value="true" />
>               <binding name="displayName"
> value="literal:Password"/>
>               <binding name="validators"
> value="validators:required,minLength=5"
> />
>           </component>
>           <!-- LABELS -->
>           <component id="userNameLabel" type="FieldLabel"
> >
>               <binding name="field"
> value="component:inputUsername" />
>           </component>
>           <component id="passwordLabel" type="FieldLabel"
> >
>               <binding name="field"
> value="component:inputPassword" />
>           </component>
>               <!-- VALIDATION -->
>               <property name="loginCurrentFieldTracking" />
>               <component id="loginErrors" type="For" >
>                       <binding name="source"
> value="beans.delegate.fieldTracking" />
>                       <binding name="value"
> value="loginCurrentFieldTracking" />
>               </component>
>               <component id="loginError" type="Delegator" >
>                       <binding name="delegate"
> value="loginCurrentFieldTracking.errorRenderer"
> />
>               </component>
>               <component id="loginIsInError" type="If">
>                       <binding name="condition"
> value="loginCurrentFieldTracking.inError" />
>               </component>
>       <!-- CHANGE PASSWORD FORM  -->  
>               <component id="changePasswordForm" type="Form" >
>                       <binding name="listener"
> value="listener:onChangePassword" />
>                       <binding name="delegate" value="beans.delegate"
> />
>               </component>
>               <!-- INPUT BOXES -->
>               <component id="inputOldPassword" type="TextField"
> >
>               <binding name="value" value="oldPassword"
> />
>               <binding name="hidden" value="true" />    
>               <binding name="displayName" value="literal:Old
> Password"/>
>               <binding name="validators"
> value="validators:required,minLength=5" />
>           </component>
>           <component id="inputNewPassword"
> type="TextField">
>                       <binding name="value" value="newPassword" /> 
>                       <binding name="hidden" value="true" />
>               <binding name="displayName"
> value="literal:New Password"/>
>               <binding name="validators"
> value="validators:required,minLength=5"
> />
>           </component>
>           <component id="inputConfirmNewPassword"
> type="TextField">
>                       <binding name="value"
> value="confirmNewPassword" /> 
>                       <binding name="hidden" value="true" />
>               <binding name="displayName"
> value="literal:Confirm New Password"/>
>               <binding name="validators"
> value="validators:required,minLength=5"
> />
>           </component>
>           <!-- LABELS -->
>           <component id="oldPasswordLabel"
> type="FieldLabel" >
>               <binding name="field"
> value="component:inputOldPassword" />
>           </component>
>           <component id="newPasswordLabel"
> type="FieldLabel" >
>               <binding name="field"
> value="component:inputNewPassword" />
>           </component>
>           <component id="confirmNewPasswordLabel"
> type="FieldLabel" >
>               <binding name="field"
> value="component:inputConfirmNewPassword" />
>           </component>
>               <!-- VALIDATION -->
>               <property
> name="changePasswordCurrentFieldTracking" />
>               <component id="changePasswordErrors" type="For" >
>                       <binding name="source"
> value="beans.delegate.fieldTracking" />
>                       <binding name="value"
> value="changePasswordCurrentFieldTracking" />
>               </component>
>               <component id="changePasswordError"
> type="Delegator" >
>                       <binding name="delegate"
> />
>               </component>
>               <component id="changepasswordIsInError" type="If">
>                       <binding name="condition"
=== message truncated ===

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