To answer the last question first, maybe. That depends on how you do it. :)
If the solution involves any potential added overhead for all properties to
handle a 2% use-case then it'll get scrutinized and not likely make it
in...If the design fits in line with the rest of the system + doesn't incur
any extra memory/perf overhead then "maybe" :) I don't see why not...but...

This goes back to my original point. Because of the way the IBinding works
there's really no such thing as the parameter changing, it's the root
reference that the Binding points to that changes..So, just keep that in
mind while you are playing around in there.

Don't take my first block of comments as me saying the contribution isn't
wanted, it is...But that's a ~very~ delicate piece of code to make your
contribution for so I just wanted you to know up front that there won't be
as much leniency there wrt "percieved perfection" as there might be in other
places....That doesn't mean that it might not be perfect on the first time,
or after a couple revisions...We'll just have to see how you do it ;)

On 10/10/06, Epstein, Ezra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This pretty much confirms to me that there's a lack of a notification
feature for parameter binding events.  Seems pretty basic and would be easy
to add.  May I add that in a way that might make its way back into the code


Ezra Epstein - Developer Tools

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:09 PM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: How to observe property binding events

I'm not sure what the requirements are wrt properties and specific users.

I've done similar things on a "per request" basis via doing something

public abstract int getProp();
public abstract void setProp(int value);

public int getComplicatedValue()
  if(getProp() == -1) {
     // do something complicated

return getProp();

The idea being that the heavy operation will only happen once for that
request/response cycle.

This all changes if you want it to be done for "all users" ? You can do
that as well I suppose but I think I probably need more clarification on who
the properties are supposed to be exposed to/etc..

On 10/10/06, Epstein, Ezra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's the opposite of the functionality I want.  These are not PER
> request.  They are per instance of a component.  Thus true instance
> variables are the way to go. Tapestry recycles Components and it seems
> that within a request the same component is re-used but not cleared
> (ivars reset) even though it is re-parametrized.  So, I don't think
> request vars would work.
> Thanks,
> Ezra Epstein
> - Developer Tools
> 206-266-2259
> -----Original Message-----
> From: andyhot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:35 AM
> To: Tapestry users
> Subject: Re: How to observe property binding events
> Why store them in local variables?
> Store it in the current request cycle...
> First do a cycle.getAttribute("myexpensivevar") if that returns null,
> do the computations and store the result back cycle.setAttribute
> ("myexpensivevar",obj);
> See
> try/IRequestCycle.html
> Epstein, Ezra wrote:
> > OK, let's get to brass tacks.
> >
> > I have some derived values that are somewhat expensive to compute so
> > I
> compute them once per request/response cycle and then they're in local
> instance variables (non-persisted).
> >
> > The particular component in question (with the semi-expensive
> > derived
> values) is used inside a loop and so may appear multiple times on a
> page.  By default the first time I use the component I compute the
> value and then display from that computed value...  The 2nd, 3rd, etc
> instance of those component on the page is actually the exact same
> Java instance and so the computed/derived ivar is still set.  I've
> added a hack that records an original property value when the derived
> ivar is computed and if the original and current property values don't
> match I reset the derived ivar.  It works, but it a total hack.
> >
> > The common way I'd imagine doing it is to listen to when the
> > property
> (parameter) is set by Tapestry.  But now that I've lain out the use
> case maybe some knows the "right" way to do this in Tapestry.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Ezra Epstein
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 3:33 PM
> > To: Tapestry users
> > Subject: Re: How to observe property binding events
> >
> > There's also the org.apache.tapestry.event.ChangeObserver interface,
> > though this is currently only used by the services in
> > tapestry.persist to observe page property changes when they are
> > being managed via a particular persistence strategy. (like
> > session/client/etc..)
> >
> > ~Maybe~ it's an oversight, and maybe not..I guess that depends on
> what/why you are trying to do. You'll find that there is very little
> in the framework that wasn't put there for an actual need, so adding
> in support for things that no one has needed yet doesn't seem to fall
> in line with sound design.
> > (imho of course..)
> >
> > If you can outline why you need this, and exactly what
> properties/conditions you'd want to observe we might be able to work
> something out...A general "anything" is harder to understand / design
> around.
> >
> > There is no such thing as a "parameter" property listener because
> parameters have no meaning in the context of something taking a
> parameter...There has to be a source for that parameter value (usually
> a page ) somewhere.
> >
> > On 10/9/06, Epstein, Ezra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Jesse,
> >>
> >> Thanks for that reply.
> >>
> >> If I read it correctly, it sounds, simply, like the framework is
> >> missing this feature.  It's a pretty common thing to ask for
> >> listener call-backs on framework events.  ("Listener" here in the
> >> generic sense rather than the way tapestry uses the term for
> >> direct-link
> >> targets.) In short, this sounds like a design over-sight.  It's
> >> common when beans are bound to be able to receive a call-back --
> >> Hibernate, for example, offers this.  So much of Tapestry seems
> >> "automagic" I'm surprised that there's no way to register to be
> informed of the events as they occur.
> >>
> >> If Howard's reading this perhaps he has a better perspective that
> >> he may offer.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Ezra Epstein
> >> - Developer Tools
> >> 206-266-2259
> >>
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 7:22 PM
> >> To: Tapestry users
> >> Subject: Re: How to observe property binding events
> >>
> >> Yes, but the usefulness of my answer largely depends on how
> >> clever/efficient you are trying to be doing it.
> >>
> >> Now, there is IBinding. The one object to bind them all ;)
> >>
> >> If you work your way down the type hierarchy you'll find
> >> AbstractBinding, which holds the method you care about most -
> >> "setObject". This will be called by tapestry when managing all of
> >> the
> page properties "automagically"
> >> for you.
> >>
> >> Some of the magic happens in (for your exact case at least)
> >> org.apache.tapestry.enhance.ParameterPropertyWorker.
> >>
> >> The other half of the work happens in each specific binding
> >> implementation that will handle these set/get object calls..(Like
> >> ognl bindings, etc..)
> >>
> >> I'm not sure where you are going with this but I guess you could
> >> use the hivemind chain of command service sort of configuration
> >> (like I did for
> >> ) to generically call a single interface method for a hivemind
> >> configuration point...Then you can contribute as many workers into
> >> the chain you like if you decide that you have more than one use
> >> for
> it.
> >>
> >> Again...Not knowing what you are doing - and taking the exact
> >> parameters given I'd probably extend and override the default
> >> ParameterPropertyWorker (a hivemind service, so replacing it inline
> >> with what Tapestry does already should be easy )  and just
> >> override whatever section of code I needed to in that
> >> implementation to inject +
> call my service reference.
> >>
> >> It may look a little complicated in there at first, but the whole
> >> org.apache.tapestry.enhance package is filled with lots of
> >> different enhancement works - and most of them inject a service
> >> into the object they work on...So finding an easier to follow
> >> worker to reference before modifying ParameterPropertyWorker might be
> >>
> >> Hope that helps.
> >>
> >> On 10/6/06, Epstein, Ezra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I've got a component which accepts a parameter.  I want to listen
> >>> (receive a callback) when the parameter is set (bound).  Does
> >>> Tapestry provide such a facility?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>>
> >>> Ezra Epstein
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> --
> >> Jesse Kuhnert
> >> Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer
> >>
> >> Open source based consulting work centered around
> >> dojo/tapestry/tacos/hivemind.
> >>
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> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jesse Kuhnert
> > Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer
> >
> > Open source based consulting work centered around
> > dojo/tapestry/tacos/hivemind.
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
> Tapestry / Tacos developer Open Source / J2EE Consulting
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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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