A-ha!  So if I have a component that implements this that component will 
auto-magically be registered and receive the call-back? 


Ezra Epstein 
Amazon.com - Developer Tools 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:32 PM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Tapestry page (and other) event listeners

I'd have to dig into the code to be sure I understood all points but I don't 
think addPageBeginRenderListener is called by user code most of the time. ..

If you page implements one of the various Listener classes (like umm...
PageBeginRenderListener) - the framework will detect it and perform the 
necessary registrations for you automatically when it enhances the page class 
the first time.

On 10/10/06, Epstein, Ezra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The common idiom for listener registration (Swing, Java Beans, etc.) 
> is that the remove() method returns the listener and the add() method 
> only adds a listener if it's not already listening.  Tapestry's impl 
> follows neither of these approaches.  Is there a reason for the naïve 
> implementation of the methods like
> void addPageBeginRenderListener(PageBeginRenderListener listener)
> ?  A LinkedHashSet() would give the ordering of the current ArrayList 
> implementation plus the uniquing properties of a set...
> Thanks,
> Ezra Epstein
> Amazon.com - Developer Tools
> 206-266-2259
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:09 PM
> To: Tapestry users
> Subject: Re: How to observe property binding events
> I'm not sure what the requirements are wrt properties and specific users.
> I've done similar things on a "per request" basis via doing something
> like:
> public abstract int getProp();
> public abstract void setProp(int value);
> public int getComplicatedValue()
> {
>   if(getProp() == -1) {
>      // do something complicated
>     setProp(newVal);
>   }
> return getProp();
> }
> The idea being that the heavy operation will only happen once for that 
> request/response cycle.
> This all changes if you want it to be done for "all users" ? You can 
> do that as well I suppose but I think I probably need more 
> clarification on who the properties are supposed to be exposed to/etc..
> On 10/10/06, Epstein, Ezra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > That's the opposite of the functionality I want.  These are not PER 
> > request.  They are per instance of a component.  Thus true instance 
> > variables are the way to go. Tapestry recycles Components and it 
> > seems that within a request the same component is re-used but not 
> > cleared (ivars reset) even though it is re-parametrized.  So, I 
> > don't think request vars would work.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Ezra Epstein
> > Amazon.com - Developer Tools
> > 206-266-2259
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: andyhot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:35 AM
> > To: Tapestry users
> > Subject: Re: How to observe property binding events
> >
> > Why store them in local variables?
> > Store it in the current request cycle...
> > First do a cycle.getAttribute("myexpensivevar") if that returns 
> > null, do the computations and store the result back 
> > cycle.setAttribute ("myexpensivevar",obj);
> >
> > See
> >
> > http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry4/tapestry/apidocs/org/apache/tap
> > es
> > try/IRequestCycle.html
> >
> >
> > Epstein, Ezra wrote:
> > > OK, let's get to brass tacks.
> > >
> > > I have some derived values that are somewhat expensive to compute 
> > > so I
> > compute them once per request/response cycle and then they're in 
> > local instance variables (non-persisted).
> > >
> > > The particular component in question (with the semi-expensive 
> > > derived
> > values) is used inside a loop and so may appear multiple times on a 
> > page.  By default the first time I use the component I compute the 
> > value and then display from that computed value...  The 2nd, 3rd, 
> > etc instance of those component on the page is actually the exact 
> > same Java instance and so the computed/derived ivar is still set.  
> > I've added a hack that records an original property value when the 
> > derived ivar is computed and if the original and current property 
> > values don't match I reset the derived ivar.  It works, but it a total hack.
> > >
> > > The common way I'd imagine doing it is to listen to when the 
> > > property
> > (parameter) is set by Tapestry.  But now that I've lain out the use 
> > case maybe some knows the "right" way to do this in Tapestry.
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Ezra Epstein
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 3:33 PM
> > > To: Tapestry users
> > > Subject: Re: How to observe property binding events
> > >
> > > There's also the org.apache.tapestry.event.ChangeObserver 
> > > interface, though this is currently only used by the services in 
> > > tapestry.persist to observe page property changes when they are 
> > > being managed via a particular persistence strategy. (like
> > > session/client/etc..)
> > >
> > > ~Maybe~ it's an oversight, and maybe not..I guess that depends on
> > what/why you are trying to do. You'll find that there is very little 
> > in the framework that wasn't put there for an actual need, so adding 
> > in support for things that no one has needed yet doesn't seem to 
> > fall in line with sound design.
> > > (imho of course..)
> > >
> > > If you can outline why you need this, and exactly what
> > properties/conditions you'd want to observe we might be able to work 
> > something out...A general "anything" is harder to understand / 
> > design around.
> > >
> > > There is no such thing as a "parameter" property listener because
> > parameters have no meaning in the context of something taking a 
> > parameter...There has to be a source for that parameter value 
> > (usually a page ) somewhere.
> > >
> > > On 10/9/06, Epstein, Ezra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >> Hi Jesse,
> > >>
> > >> Thanks for that reply.
> > >>
> > >> If I read it correctly, it sounds, simply, like the framework is 
> > >> missing this feature.  It's a pretty common thing to ask for 
> > >> listener call-backs on framework events.  ("Listener" here in the 
> > >> generic sense rather than the way tapestry uses the term for 
> > >> direct-link
> > >> targets.) In short, this sounds like a design over-sight.  It's 
> > >> common when beans are bound to be able to receive a call-back -- 
> > >> Hibernate, for example, offers this.  So much of Tapestry seems 
> > >> "automagic" I'm surprised that there's no way to register to be
> > informed of the events as they occur.
> > >>
> > >> If Howard's reading this perhaps he has a better perspective that 
> > >> he may offer.
> > >>
> > >> Thanks,
> > >>
> > >> Ezra Epstein
> > >> Amazon.com - Developer Tools
> > >> 206-266-2259
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> -----Original Message-----
> > >> From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 7:22 PM
> > >> To: Tapestry users
> > >> Subject: Re: How to observe property binding events
> > >>
> > >> Yes, but the usefulness of my answer largely depends on how 
> > >> clever/efficient you are trying to be doing it.
> > >>
> > >> Now, there is IBinding. The one object to bind them all ;)
> > >>
> > >> If you work your way down the type hierarchy you'll find 
> > >> AbstractBinding, which holds the method you care about most - 
> > >> "setObject". This will be called by tapestry when managing all of 
> > >> the
> > page properties "automagically"
> > >> for you.
> > >>
> > >> Some of the magic happens in (for your exact case at least) 
> > >> org.apache.tapestry.enhance.ParameterPropertyWorker.
> > >>
> > >> The other half of the work happens in each specific binding 
> > >> implementation that will handle these set/get object calls..(Like 
> > >> ognl bindings, etc..)
> > >>
> > >> I'm not sure where you are going with this but I guess you could 
> > >> use the hivemind chain of command service sort of configuration 
> > >> (like I did for 
> > >> org.apache.tapestry.services.ComponentRenderWorker
> > >> ) to generically call a single interface method for a hivemind 
> > >> configuration point...Then you can contribute as many workers 
> > >> into the chain you like if you decide that you have more than one 
> > >> use for
> > it.
> > >>
> > >> Again...Not knowing what you are doing - and taking the exact 
> > >> parameters given I'd probably extend and override the default 
> > >> ParameterPropertyWorker (a hivemind service, so replacing it 
> > >> inline with what Tapestry does already should be easy )  and just 
> > >> override whatever section of code I needed to in that 
> > >> implementation to inject +
> > call my service reference.
> > >>
> > >> It may look a little complicated in there at first, but the whole 
> > >> org.apache.tapestry.enhance package is filled with lots of 
> > >> different enhancement works - and most of them inject a service 
> > >> into the object they work on...So finding an easier to follow 
> > >> worker to reference before modifying ParameterPropertyWorker 
> > >> might be
> easier.
> > >>
> > >> Hope that helps.
> > >>
> > >> On 10/6/06, Epstein, Ezra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> I've got a component which accepts a parameter.  I want to 
> > >>> listen (receive a callback) when the parameter is set (bound).  
> > >>> Does Tapestry provide such a facility?
> > >>>
> > >>> Thanks,
> > >>>
> > >>> Ezra Epstein
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >> --
> > >> Jesse Kuhnert
> > >> Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer
> > >>
> > >> Open source based consulting work centered around 
> > >> dojo/tapestry/tacos/hivemind. http://blog.opencomponentry.com
> > >>
> > >> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Jesse Kuhnert
> > > Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer
> > >
> > > Open source based consulting work centered around 
> > > dojo/tapestry/tacos/hivemind. http://blog.opencomponentry.com
> > >
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> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://andyhot.di.uoa.gr 
> > Tapestry / Tacos developer Open Source / J2EE Consulting
> >
> >
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> >
> --
> Jesse Kuhnert
> Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer
> Open source based consulting work centered around 
> dojo/tapestry/tacos/hivemind. http://blog.opencomponentry.com
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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around dojo/tapestry/tacos/hivemind. 

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