Hi James,

I had no luck with the private jar (contrib style assembly) for custom components. Not sure about it.

As of now I did copy those component modules directly into the web-inf directory of the web app.

I am getting into them now. I think this may be attributed to you asking not to provide a class spec.

But those are quitting on ognl.

If you take a look... is reference to the page object still valid for 4.1.1 ?

An exception has occurred.

You may continue by restarting the session.

[ +/- ] Exception: Unable to read OGNL expression '<parsed OGNL expression>' of [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$ShowMessages]: $Login_4.warningMessage
Unable to read OGNL expression '<parsed OGNL expression>' of [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$ShowMessages]: $Login_4.warningMessage
binding:        ExpressionBinding[Login/$ShowMessages page.warningMessage]
location:       context:/WEB-INF/ShowMessages.html, line 6
2       <span jwcid="$content$">
3 <span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:page.beans.validationDelegate.hasErrors">
4       <span jwcid="@ShowError">--- Validation error message ---</span>
5       </span>
6       <span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:page.warningMessage">
7 <span jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:page.warningMessage" class="warning">--- Warning message ---</span>
8       </span>
9       <span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:page.infoMessage">
10 <span jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:page.infoMessage" class="info">--- Info message ---</span>
11      </span>

[ +/- ] Exception: Unable to read OGNL expression '<parsed OGNL expression>' of [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$ShowMessages]: $Login_4.warningMessage
Unable to read OGNL expression '<parsed OGNL expression>' of [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$ShowMessages]: $Login_4.warningMessage
component:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$ShowMessages]
location:       context:/Login.html, line 10
6       <form jwcid="@Form"
7       success="listener:onFormSubmit"
8       cancel="listener:onFormCancel" name="loginForm"
9       clientValidationEnabled="ognl:true" delegate="bean:validationDelegate">
10      <span jwcid="@ShowMessages"/>
11      <table border="0">
12      <tr>
13      <td>
14 <span jwcid="@Insert" value="message:label.emailAddress">EmailAddress:</span>
15      </td>

[ +/- ] Exception: $Login_4.warningMessage

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