The Hivemind registry is stored in the servlet
(Please see the source code of  init method in

If you need to reference the HiveMind registry outside

a web page, you might need to create your own
of HiveMind registry.


--- "B.S.Navin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am adding a custom enhancement worker to my
> application, which  
> enhances the PropertySelection to intialize a
> default model.
> As part of this, I needed to get a reference to the 
> OGNLBindingFactory service (from HiveMind), so that
> I can create an  
> OGNL binding. The normal approach to this is to use
> the @Inject  
> annotation.
> But this code to get the factory and use it, is part
> of the generated  
> code. So, I suppose annotations would not work
> there.
> Hence I was looking at a way to get a reference to
> the HiveMind  
> registry (so that I could programmatically get a
> reference to the  
> factory). Any help guys?
> - Navin
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