I *hope* there's a really straightforward answer to this and that I'm
just a complete donkey for overlooking it, but. . . 

If you want to have a table that iterates over a List and (for example)
spit out some properties of each element in the List, to wit:

|Aaron |        (202) 123-4567|
|Bob   |        (202) 987-6543|

That's really easy.

But now say you want to just add an ordinal number as the first column
of the table, like this:

| 1 | Aaron |   (202) 123-4567|
| 2 | Bob   |   (202) 987-6543|
| 3 | etc. etc.

That seems to be harder.  The only way I see how to do it is to:

A) Define a custom columnValue @Block

B) Map that columnValue to some MyTable.java getOrdinal() method

C) In my getOrdinal() method, get the Object associated with

D) Assume the "source" data for the Table is a java.util.List, use the
List.indexOf() method on the Object from step (C) to figure out what
element it is and return that int value as the ordinal 

Please tell me I'm a donkey...


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