Hi all,

The latest release of BeanForm, the single-line POJO editor component, is
now available for download. Below is a list of changes since the last
version. I made a special trip to Spain to get the Spanish translation
strings (my wife thought it was a vacation), so I hope someone finds them
useful ;-) Special thanks to Grzegorz Mrówka and Andreas Andreou for
translations and suggestions!

Happy hacking,

Daniel Gredler


- When moving values from submitted form to properties, only instantiate
null elements of recursive properties when values submitted are not null.
- Base input field ids on property names.
- Add pseudo properties as a way of mixing custom fields with bean fields.
- Make it easier for multi-field binding overrides using OGNL to refer to
the current property.
- Remove non-threadsafe use of SimpleDateFormat in the Hibernate Validator
integration code.
- Add support for @Pattern Hibernate Validator annotation.
- Use PropertySelection component for enum bean properties.
- Add Polish translation. Thanks to Grzegorz Mrówka.
- Add Greek translation. Thanks to Andreas Andreou.
- Add French translation.
- Add Spanish translation.

Homepage: http://beanform.sourceforge.net/
Component Reference: http://beanform.sourceforge.net/component-reference.html

Change History: http://beanform.sourceforge.net/changes-report.html

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