Hi Peter,

One way of doing this is to access the HiveMind Registry object that Tapestry creates, from within your listener class, so that you can then access the ApplicationStateManager, and from that access your ASO.

However, you have to use a little magic to access the Registry object:

1. From the sessionCreated/sessionDestroyed method you have access to the HttpSessionEvent object. 2. From the HttpSessionEvent object you have access to the HttpSession object.
3. From the HttpSession object you have access to the ServletContext
4. From the ServletContext object you can look up the HiveMind Registry using the getAttribute method with the key "org.apache.tapestry.Registry:SERVLET_NAME" where SERVLET_NAME is the name of the Tapestry application servlet you have specified in your web.xml (this is the magic bit since it requires knowing how Tapestry squirrels away the Registry object). 5. You can then get the ApplicationStateManager object from the Registry, and finally your ASO.

Hope that helps


Peter Stavrinides wrote:
What is the best approach for the following scenario:

I have a listener class that listens for session activity, its configured only in my web.xml (not for instance in hivemind) I have a state object that I need to inject into the listener class, but since I cannot make the listener class abstract how will I inject my state object? or what can I do otherwise?


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