No argument there. But like any respectable programmer, I am lazy. ;-)

I'm using a framework to take the drudgery out of web programming.
Do I have to add disabling code for every request-sending widget?
If the answer is yes then ... this is why I have not done it!

(When a client has requested disabled/hidden buttons etc, I've done it,
but as I said before, in T3 this server-side trickery is required.)


Jesse Kuhnert wrote:
And where exactly does the "user experience" fit in to all of this cool
server side trickery? I mean, even in a basic swing application I would
disable input on things people aren't allowed to use when I'm doing
something that will potentially take a long time to complete.

The browser is your friend, not a place where scary hacks happen. It's your
UI, embrace it. ;)

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