On 11/21/06, Jesse Kuhnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I guess that depends on what you consider having to "write code" . All
that xml is nice but seems to really have just moved the code to a new
format that doesn't require re-compilation. I can't argue that spring
isn't nice though, I just think hivemind is light years ahead of it.
It's too bad that it's still in the stone ages when it comes to
comparing them with documentation.

Actually, Spring does so many things that hivemind doesn't (at least
as far as I am aware), that you can't even compare them.  As for
getting transactionality without writing code, I'd say there's no
comparison between the single line of 'code' I have to add to an XML
file in order to wrap a method in transaction semantics (including
handling of rollbacks, using existing transaction or starting a new
one) and having to manually add code to do the same thing on every
service method, especially since I can use wildcards in the XML file
to handle multiple methods in the same manner.  The fact that I can
swap in and out JTA transactions, hibernate transactions, and JDBC
transactions, again with only a single modification to an XML file, is
a godsend as a project grows over the course of its use.  When we went
from one database to 2, and then 3, we didn't have to do anything but
modify a config file to use J2EE transactions instead of the built in
hibernate ones.  There is just no comparison between the complexity of
the application context file and the code it replaces.

As far as I am aware, hivemind does a great job with dependancy
injection, but doesn't offer the vast majority of other functionality
available from spring - transaction management, quartz integration,
aop integration, messaging, etc.  I suppose I could use hivemind IOC
to instantiate all the spring framework classes that provide the
functionality I just listed, but that just seems like an obtuse
solution, especially when it isn't clear (to me, at least) that the
baseline IOC/dependancy injection code itself is particularly
superior.  They both accomplish the same tasks, and spring doesn't
absolutely require an interface which is important when using
libraries you don't control).  Hivemind also has a much smaller
community of users which is significant when building a sizeable
engineering team.

And really, even if it was just moving code into a config file that
doesn't require recompilation, there are distinct advantages in having
just that when architecting a project with 500,000+ lines of code and
a team of 20 engineers.  It means that I, as an architect, can manage
transaction semantics for our entire suite of applications from a
single location, rather than relying on 20 engineers who are 11 time
zones and 6,000 miles away to get it right, or having to code review
all those extra lines of code.  Instead, my engineers worry about
making sure the service method does what it claims it will, and I make
sure that it participates in any necessary transaction correctly from
the app context.

Incidentally, I disagree that a single database is the minority case.
That is true when talking about building an external facing website,
but not at all true when building enterprise solutions.  That's the
whole reason the j2ee framework exists. A sizeable company may well
have tens of databases that need to be integrated into internal
applications, and pulling reports from a data warehouse isn't just
common, it has been a requirement on nearly every project I've worked
on in an enterprise context. Hell, in my current company, I've got
data being fed to me from 4 different sources (salesforce.com, domain
db, data warehouse, another 3rd party service), although I combine two
into a single db. It is, however, probably the minority case for
tapestry users, so I'm not saying tapernate went in the wrong
direction on that point.  Most apps complex enough to want multiple
dbs probably aren't going to be looking at something like tapernate,
anyway.  I want more control than it offers me.  Chicken or egg, I


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