value="message:display-summary-button" is a little better (shorter, no OGNL
overhead), but still not what you're looking for...

Maybe you could try to specify the binding in both the page spec and the
page template, make the page spec the dynamic one, make the page template
the static one, and hope that the binding in the page spec overrides the
binding in the page template at runtime? :-)

On 11/21/06, John Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to internationalise my button values, I found using ognl works
but the static rendering of the template is spoilt. Is there a way to keep
value static and let Tapetry render the value from the proeprties file


<input type="submit" class="buttonExtraWide" value="ognl:
('display-summary-button')" jwcid="downloadSummaryToCSV" tabindex="15"/>

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