
Here it is. To be called from the EventListener-Methods which get the BrowserEvent as parameter.

   public String getCallingElementId(BrowserEvent event) {
       return (String) event.getTarget().get(BrowserEvent.TARGET_ATTR_ID);

Please post your solution to the list.  It makes it much easier for
other folks to find it later.


On 11/21/06, Patrick Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nevermind, found it 2 minutes after hitting the send button :)

> Hi!
> I scraped the for-loop in favor of a hardcoded list of components
> which does the trick for our needs here. It would have been nicer the
> way below (and much more flexible) but i could not find a working
> solution for the problem using this approach.
> Now another question came up:
> Using an EventListener with an Array of DOM-elements (e.g.
> @EventListener(elements={"tag_1", "tag_2", ..., "tag_x"}, ...)) is
> there a way to find out, for which element the listener was activated?
> I checked BowserEvent and IRequestCycle but found nothing suitable so
> far...
> Patrick
>> Hi!
>> I'm trying to use Ajax to update the content of a for-loop containing
>> PropertySelections. The template for the table i want to update looks
>> like this:
>> <form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" async="ognl:true"
>> updateComponents="ognl:updateComponents">
>>    <table>
>>         <tr>
>>            <th>Test</th>
>>            <th>Result</th>
>>            <th>Target</th>
>>        </tr>
>>        <tr jwcid="@For" element="tr" source="ognl:dataList"
>> value="ognl:data">
>> 1)         <td jwcid="@PropertySelection" id="ognl:data.testId"
>> model="ognl:testModel" value="ognl:data.test"/>
>> 2)         <td jwcid="@PropertySelection" id="ognl:data.resultId"
>> model="ognl:dynamicResultModel" value="ognl:data.result"/>
>> 3)         <td jwcid="@PropertySelection" id="ognl:data.targetId"
>> model="ognl:dynamicTargetModel" value="ognl:data.target"/>
>>            <td jwcid="@Any" id="ognl:data.updateBlockId">
>>                <div jwcid="@TextField" id="ognl:data.outputId"
>> value="ognl:data.output"/>
>>            </td>
>>        </tr>
>>    </table>
>> </form>
>> id's are uniquely generated and found correctly inside the generated
>> html-code. onchange EventListeners are given for the property
>> selections. EventListeners are name so it is clear which element has
>> caused the event.
>> What i'm trying to accomplish is the following:
>> User changes value of selection 1). This activates EventListener
>> (async=true). This part actually works... that far. Now the
>> PropertyModel of 2) should be changed (note that the table holds more
>> then one line).
>> Changes on 2) have an impact on the selection in 3), changes in 3)
>> manipulate the output-field of the line.
>> All this is working perfectly outside the for-loop.
>> The problem now is that my selection-model goes amoc if change one of
>> the properties a second time (numberFormatException in
>> PropertySelection.translateValue(String s), s is actually null).
>> Additionally not only the addressed selections get updated (e.g.
>> changing the first selection in a line should only have an impact on
>> the second and maybe third selection of the same line), but at least
>> too other selections. The Browser shows a Property Selection with
>> another PropertySelection inside instead of the updated selection.
>> The main problem seems to that i need to address the selections to
>> update uniquely, but how? The data-iterator is firmly on the last
>> value is it is not null already and will be next updated on rewind...
>> Can anyone help me out here?
>> thnx in advance,
>> Patrick
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