Thanks for the pointer! That's looking quite cool. My only complaint is
that you obviously have to remember to put " <aop:scoped-proxy/>" inside
each bean with a non-standard scope. If this was available a year ago,
I'd have considered Spring - though I still like the HiveMind XML
notation better.

Sorry for asking instead of reading the docs: But can Spring 2.0 also
pull together its config from different jars on the classpath like
HiveMind does?
Or do you still need to have a "master application.xml" and and do
manual includes?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Tabuenca [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:18 AM
> To: Tapestry users
> Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] Spring vs Hivemind
>  Spring 2.0 has singleton/prototype/request/session/global 
> session/ and custom scopes. It should be noted that spring's 
> prototype scope is different from hivemind in that an object 
> is created every time a referencing dependency is set or when 
> one requests it directly via a getBean("beanName"). In this 
> sense spring acts more like a factory returning configured 
> objects unlike hivemind which returns a proxy which creates a 
> new object on each method invocation.
> Spring also has the concept of target sources which is 
> basically equivalent to hivemind pooled service models and 
> also allow lets you do hivemind-like prototype proxies.
> Here are the references to the docs if anyone is interested:
> beans.html#beans-factory-scopes
> and
> aop-api.html#aop-targetsource
> On 11/22/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No, Spring has only prototype and singleton Beans afaik.
> > HiveMind has threaded/pooled service-models which can easily be 
> > extended (Honeycomb does this to implement session-per-conversation 
> > based on a "stateful" service-model).
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