That's correct. I use @Connfigurable to inject spring objects into
tapestry pages. The downside is the need to include an xml bean
configuraion in spring for each page I want to inject to, although
I've been using the spring-annotation project to define the beans
using annotations rather than xml. It also requires you to weave the
spring-aspects.jar using aspectj (or alternatively use spring's
support for runtime weaving). Some people might not like the reliance
on aspectj to do this.

On 11/22/06, Cyrille37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Daniel Tabuenca a écrit :
> I think what you read there is not necessarily true. If you are using
> Spring 2.0 and bean scopes or target sources then spring will give you
> a proxy and automatically manage the lifecycle for you. Also keep in
> mind that you can easily use spring itself to inject the beans into a
> tapestry page by using the @Configurable annotation which in my
> opinion is one of Spring 2.0's greatest improvements as it lest you
> use spring to configure objects that weren't  created by spring such
> as tapestry pages or even hibernate entities! The documentation for
> that feature is here:
If I well understand, with that Spring2 feature, no need of
Tapestry-Spring anymore. Is that true ?

Thanks a lot

> On 11/22/06, Cyrille37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm steel walking on the web to learn more about WebApplication with
>> Tapestry and other frameworks integration before starting to draw the
>> architecture of my future project... It's not so simple ;-)
>> Today I'm looking for Tapestry4 and Spring2.
>> On the site of Tapestry-Spring
>> (
>> I read that "Injecting Spring beans that are not singletons doesn't work
>> properly".
>> So how to implements Session Bean lifecycle with Tapestry and Spring ??
>> For example, I would like to get a Bean that represent a WabApp's User,
>> so that Bean must be instantiated for each user, a singleton would
>> not feet.
>> Thanks for your comments.
>> Cyrille.
>> PS: Tanks to all for your answers in thread "[newbie] Spring vs
>> Hivemind", your comments were very helpfully.

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