There are some approaches to that problem, one approach would be to use the parameter binding for that:

The component gets a paraemter from its container, and is responsible to update the parameter.

Say you have a property on your page/container component:

public Data getData() {...}
public void setData( Data data ) { // now perform the save }

you pass "data" as a paraemter binding to your component which includes the form, and on your submit listener, after verifying everything is fine, you call setData:

@Parameter public abstract Data getData();
public abstract void setData( Data data );

public void doSubmit() {
  // validata...
  // check that everything is ok...
  if (getDelegate().getHasErrors() )
  setData( getData() );

Another approach would be to use an IActionListener as paramter and invoke it - this is the approach I take usually.

Hope that helps,

Skorpien126 wrote:
I´ve another Post, describing the same problem. In my eyes it is one the
things which should be solved more than one times. So I will give a whole
describtion about what I want.

OK... i have ca 30 tables each one, holding information about 1 product.
Lets say one table holds information of chairs,  the other of tables and so
one. Each Table has a dynmamic number of Columns. Maybe an id, describing
text, a date.. . For each Type I´ve build a subcomponent ... DateComponent,
StringComponent and so on. The Subcomponents include the "value"
(String,date ...) the validation and maybe some further functionality.

Ok... when openening a Page I get an Id with which I create a
Containercomponent "RequestContainer"(PERSISTBEAN) ...   this Container
includes a Collection of "Subcomponents" correspondening to the coloums of
the depending table and also some further, unimportant informations...
Ok... so far so good. It´s not problem to visualize the information. But I
want to update the whole Object at once. So  I´ve make a form in the
Containercomponent and in the Form-Tag I iterate over the Column-Values. The
Form invokes a SaveMethod. In which I want to write back the values of the
validated, values of the subcomponents. My Question... How Can I get the
values of the dynamic subcomponents???? (image that it+s not possible to
bind a parameter to a dynamicList-Item) How can I check that each value is
"correct/validated"??? If more code is needed... just ask. Thx u... and have a nice WE.

Here Some Example Code:
<form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" success="listener:saveAll">
     <span jwcid="@Foreach" source="ognl:item.getList()"
value="ognl:ListItem" index="ognl:ListIndex">
         <span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:ListItem instanceof DisplayString">
<span jwcid="@DisplayString" item="ognl:ListItem" editable="true"/> </span> <span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:ListItem instanceof DisplayDate"> <span jwcid="@DisplayDate" item="ognl:ListItem" editable="true"/> </span> ... </span> <form jwcid="@bf:BeanForm"

<span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:editable">
        <input type="text" jwcid="ColoumNameComponent"/><br/>
<br/> <textarea jwcid="contentComponent" cols="70" rows="10">
        Der Inhalt halt...
</textarea> <p></p>

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