After looking at this some more, it seems to me that listener methods can't
be in components (that is, if a component is contained within another
component, the container won't get the event, the page will). I think I was
wrong about DirectLink and Submit. In any case, I put my @EventListener on
the page class and make a call my component to let it know what changed. I
am sure there must be a better way that allows me to encapsulate all the
logic within my component, so if anyone can point me in the right direction,
that would be great.

On 11/24/06, Mark Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to create a reusuable component that encapsulates the
functionality of two related PropertySelection components.

I placed an @EventListerner annotation on a method inside of my component

public abstract class MySelection extends BaseComponent {

    @EventListener(events = "onchange", elements = "item", submitForm =
    public void onItemSelected(IRequestCycle cycle, BrowserEvent event) {
        // do something



I get an exception like this:

Exception: Object [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not implement a listener
method named 'onItemSelected'.

It seems that Tapestry is looking for the method on the page class, not in
the embedded component class where the annotated method lives. Normally,
when I reference a listener method from within a compoonent (for instance on
a DirectLink or a Submit), tapestry will find the listener method on the
component class.

Am I doing something wrong here or might this be a bug?

Also, in the annotation, I have to specify the name of the form. Assuming
I can have an @EventListener annotation inside a component, It seems a bit
awkward for the component to need to know what the name of the form happens
to be in which it is enclosed. Is there a dynamic way to specify the form?

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