---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrea Chiumenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 13, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: Req. on JFlyEditTable validation validation design
To: Tapestry development <dev@tapestry.apache.org>

Hello, I'm developint an ajax edit grid for Tapestry 4.0.2 + Tacos 4.0.2 and
I'm encoutering some problems for validation.

The problem is that if I add validation when I add/insert/post, a row of the
edit table, also components outside the edit table are validated, and this
is not what I'd like because when I add a row for example it doesn't mean
that I want to post the form. For example if I have a required field outside
the table and it is empty I'm not able to add a row to the grid without
having completed that field.

Of course I could put the table in its own form, but if I want to make
appear it positioned 'inside' another form it would not be trivial to
position it in absolute or relative position.
Another solution would be using an iframe but I personally don't love
iframes very much.

So, I'd appreciate very much a suggestion about solving this problem,
because I'm a bit stalled.


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