You would lookup the Home object using JNDI.

On 12/13/06, Cyrille37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
James Carman a écrit :
> Well, I was answering the question of whether HiveMind's
> EJBProxyFactory supports stateful session beans and it does not (the
> reason is that the create method requires params).  If you want to use
> a stateless session bean, then check EJBProxyFactory's documentation
> on how to set it up in your hivemodule.xml file.  Basically, you use
> EJBProxyFactory rather than BuilderFactory to construct your
> implementation object.
Thanks James, but ...

I understand that I could not use StateFull Bean with Hivemind.
But how to use StateFull Bean from a Tapestry page ?
Is something like this possible :

I think the Application Server has to create the SateFullBean, but I've
no idea on how it can make the link between the AppServer's session and
Tapestry's session...

I'm a lost a little ....


> On 12/13/06, Cyrille37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> James Carman a écrit :
>> > No, because typically with SFSBs, you have to pass in a paramter to
>> > the create method and there's no way to set up the proxy to do that
>> > for you automatically.  With SLSBs, there is no parameter to the
>> > create method.
>> Hello James,
>> Thank you for your response, but I'm afraid to do not understand it ;-(
>> Perhaps I have to reformulate my question :
>> When Tapestry runs in an Application Server (Glassfish,JBoss), how to
>> access EJB (Stateless and Statefull) from a Tapestry page ??
>> Cyrille.
>> >
>> >
>> > On 12/13/06, Cyrille37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> After had some pratices with Tapestry running on Tomcat with and
>> without
>> >> Spring, I'm looking for running Tapestry under an Application Server
>> >> like Glassfish.
>> >> I've read in Hivemind documentation about the EJBProxyFactory that it
>> >> could only delegates to Stateless session bean. Is it true ? Is there
>> >> another fashion for Hivemind to delegate to other kind of EJB
>> >> (Statefull, Message driven) ?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for your knowledge sharing,
>> >> Cyrillle
>> >>
>> >

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