Hi James,

I created a class and had it implement 
interface and also 
implemented the method public void
registryDidShutdown(); For the 
method, I just had it print a debug statement my
standard out log.

However, when I redeploy my app, I don't see any
messages being printed 
indicating that the shutdown method is being called. I
do though see 
that my startup code is being executed. Do I need to
update the 
hivemind.xml or another config file?

Thanks for your help,

James Carman wrote:
> Have your implementation class implement
> org.apache.hivemind.events.RegistryShutdownListener
interface and it
> will automatically be registered for the events by
HiveMind (as long
> as you're not using the threaded service model).
> On 12/26/06, Josh Joy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I was able to implement the below for
>> hivemind.startup...however is
>> there such a thing as hivemind.shutdown? I'm
>> for the equivalent
>> of contextDestroyed?
>> Thanks,
>> Josh
>> James Carman wrote:
>> > You let HiveMind inject stuff into your service
>> runs at startup:
>> >
>> > public class MyStartupClass implements Runnable
>> > {
>> >  private MyService myService;
>> >
>> >  public void setMyService( MyService myService )
>> >  {
>> >    this.myService = myService;
>> >  }
>> >
>> >  public void run()
>> >  {
>> >    myService.doSomethingThatMyServiceDoes();
>> >  }
>> > }
>> >
>> > HiveMind will "autowire" the MyService object
>> your MyStartupClass
>> > object (unless there is more than one service
>> within your HiveMind
>> > registry which implements the MyService
>> Then, declare your
>> > service point in the HiveMind module:
>> >
>> > <service-point id="SomeIdYouChoose"
>> interface="java.lang.Runnable">
>> >  <invoke-factory>
>> >    <construct
>> class="com.myco.somepackage.MyStartupClass" />
>> >  </invoke-factory>
>> > </service-point>
>> >
>> > Then, register your service with the startup
>> configuration point:
>> >
>> > <contribution
>> >  <startup object="service:SomeIdYouChoose" />
>> > </contribution>
>> >
>> > That's it!  Your Runnable class will now run upon
>> registry startup
>> > (creation), which happens in a Tapestry
>> when the application
>> > servlet starts up.
>> >
>> > On 10/28/06, KEGan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I have tried both approches. However, inside my
>> code, I am trying to
>> >> access
>> >> Hivemind services, and it didnt work.
>> >>
>> >> Example, in my custom "ApplicationInitializer",
>> use:
>> >>
>> >> Registry registry =
>> RegistryBuilder.constructDefaultRegistry();
>> >> MyService myservice =
>> (MyService)registry.getService("
>> >> com.project.myService",
>> >> MyService.class);
>> >>
>> >> And all I get is a null.
>> >>
>> >> I suspect using the
>> "RegistryBuilder.constructDefaultRegistry()" is not
>> >> the
>> >> correct way to get access into Hivemind
>> when Tapestry is
>> >> starting
>> >> up.
>> >>
>> >> So, how do I get access to Hivemind registry ...
>> whether it is from
>> >> inside
>> >> "
>> >> hivemind.Startup" or
>> "tapestry.init.ApplicationInitializers".
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On 10/24/06, James Carman
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > There is a configuration point called
>> "hivemind.Startup" where you can
>> >> > register Runnable objects to be run at HM
>> registry startup time (which
>> >> is
>> >> > the same as Tapestry startup time).
>> >> >
>> >> > On 10/22/06, KEGan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Hi,
>> >> > >
>> >> > > I need to do some tasks when my Servlet web
>> application is
>> >> initialized.
>> >> > In
>> >> > > this, I can use ServletContextListener.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Now, I am using Tapestry ... and I want to
>> achieve the same
>> >> thing. Of
>> >> > > course, I can still use
>> but with this, I
>> >> cannot
>> >> > > use
>> >> > > all the TapestryAnnotation Hivemind goodness
>> (autowiring, etc) that
>> >> > comes
>> >> > > with Tapestry. So is there a
>> ServletContextListener equivalent in
>> >> > > Tapestry?
>> >> > > The idea is that I can run some tasks (only
>> once) when Tapestry is
>> >> first
>> >> > > initialized, and I want to do this with all
>> Tapestry Annontation
>> >> and
>> >> > > Hivemind goodness.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Thanks.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > ~KEGan
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
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