
I'm having some difficulty using tapestry-acegi. I can secure a page
fine, but I can't figure out how to allow a user to auth.
Unfortunately, my experience with Acegi in general is practically
non-existent, so I may just be doing something dumb there.

I have a page marked @Secured("ROLE_USER"), but when I access it, all I
get is org.acegisecurity.AccessDeniedException.

My HiveMind registry contains the following:

<implementation service-id="hivemind.acegi.dao.UserDetailsService">
class="com.servprise.www.services.AuthorizationService" />
<contribution configuration-id="hivemind.acegi.AccessDecisionVoters">
        <voter object="instance:org.acegisecurity.vote.RoleVoter" />

with the UserDetailsService implementation basically being a no-op.
I've set a break point in the service and it never gets executed.

I am using both tapestry-acegi and hivemind-acegi-dao, for what it's
worth.  Any help would be much appreciated.


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