What are you looking to do?  What version of Tapestry are you using?
If you're looking to automatically inject a HiveMind service into all
of your pages/components, you can either use tapestry-autowire (tap
4.0) or upgrade to tap 4.1 which has tapestry-autowire built in.
Using tapestry-autowire, it's as simple as declaring an abstract
getter of the same type as one of your services in your HM registry
(provided there is exactly one service point which supports that
service interface):

public abstract MyService getMyService();

You can declare that in your MyAbstractPage class (or whatever you
want to call it) and all subclasses will inherit the property and
it'll be injected automatically.  Hope that helps.

On 1/9/07, karthik G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
class X extends Y{}

If component X extends an existing component Y by providing a new template
X.html and adding additional property in X.jwc, are we required to copy the
contents of Y.jwc into X.jwc?

If I dont include it, i run into errors.

May be am missing some parameter here. How can i get a .page to extend from
another base .page?

Also , if Class X is empty do I need to create one in the first place ( am
fine with Y)?

I just need .page inheritance in addition to Java component inheritance.


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