The Chart example the plotValues property is persisted:

<page-specification class="org.apache.tapestry.workbench.chart.ChartPage">

 <property name="plotValues" persist="session"/>


I am assuming you are not persisting since from your logs:

9627410 [btpool0-3] INFO  com.example.pages.Home  - Begin render.
Rewind? true
9627411 [btpool0-3] INFO  com.example.pages.Home  - Initializing names list

The list gest reinitialized on each request.

I think you may be misunderstanding the @For loop. @For inside a form
will not create a List or populate it for you. @For works with an
existing list and in your case the existing list is a new list on each
beginRender. @For then iterates over an empty list which means nothing
inside it will ever get executed (all your form input fields never get
rewound). The keyExpression is used only to verify that the list that
you are working with  has not changed since you rendered the page. In
your case it HAS! When you rendered the page originally your list had
a blank name in it. On the rewind it has no elements. Maybe tapestry
should be smarter and throw an error when the size of the list doesn't
match the size from when it was rendered.

On 1/10/07, Jim Downing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jesse,

Jesse Kuhnert wrote:
> I think the problem with this approach is that the For component has
> no way of uniquely identifying your list values.
> I would try using the keyExpression or converter parameters of the For
> component to do this instead.

Thanks for the pointers, but I'm still having problems, using either a
custom converter or a keyExpression (using "toString()"). As I
understand it either of these methods rely on there being a single
reference to the object that doesn't change between requests. This
obviously doesn't exist for value objects.

What I'm finding confusing is that this looks to me just like the
example in the charts pane of the tapestry workbench demo; there a list
of PlotValues is edited without keyExpresssion or a converter. Why is
this different?

Would a reasonable hack be to bind the value of the text field input to
a property with a concrete setter that used the @For index to build the
new list items manually?



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