Hi Brian,

thanks for the advice - I'll see what happens when I turn off the input disabling.



Brian Duchek wrote:
Back in Tap3, if you disabled form fields on the client it would
totally screw up server side validation (and some client validation
schemes).  It was a technique frought with peril. I recommend going
thru a generated page with a fine tooth-comb to make sure that your
client-side disabling wasn't messing up element references in the
rendered client validation code. My guess is that it probably is.

Also - disabling a field usually means it's not going to get sent to
the server, so make sure your form listener accounts for that.

The error message you're seeing is Dojo's debugging message. It's
appended to the document when there's not another debugging console
attached (google Firebug...).  I'm guessing you're not useing Tap3,
and that Dojo has shouldered the load of performing field validation.
If it's getting a field to validate, and it's missing properties -
then the field is probably disabled.

Hope this helps.

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