Yea, you're right.

Just did a yahoo search for "opencomponentry demo"
and the first result (the tacos demo) has the same issue...

Same thing happens (for that page) on the google cache as well.

We'll need to do some js debugging to figure out this...

Christian Dutaret wrote:
Hi all,

I deployed a brand new web site which is based on T4.1.1 last week.
It has just began to be indexed on Yahoo search and Live search.

On both these search engines, whenever I request the cached page from the
search results, an alert box tells me "Permission refused to obtain the
Window.dojo property" (freely translated from French actually).
I understand that the search engine cache is trying to execute some remote
js on my page, which it is not allowed to, but is there any workaround to

I don't know about google's cache behavior, since we're not yet indexed on
google (thanks to the #$@&§#§!£ google sandbox).

Thx for any hint

Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / J2EE Consulting

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