One possible way is to wrap up your spring bean as an
Hivemind service 
Then inject that hivemind service into  your Tapestry
engine service.

Example : 
<service-point id="asoService"
      <construct class="service.ASOService">
        <set-object property="exceptionReporter"
        <set-object property="response"
        <set-object property="linkFactory"
     <set-service property="entityService" 
                service-id="(service id of  the
hivemind service wrapper for your spring bean)"/>
--- Nalin Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any way to inject a Spring bean into an
> IEngineService (defined
> in hivemodule.xml) ? I tried to do this by using
> @InjectSpring
> (tapestry-spring), however I get a null pointer
> exception for the
> injected object.
> @InjectSpring("entityService")
>  public EntityService getEntityService() {
>   return entityService;
>  }
> getEntityService() returns null.
> regards,
> Nalin.
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