Ok this has got me banging my head against a wall.

I've built a tap app war file (using maven). It works fine when deployed on my local tomcat. When I send that same war to the deployment server, I get this in the log:

2007-02-13 11:42:26,538 WARN AssetService.java - Classpath resource '/ tapestry//html.js' does not exist. 2007-02-13 11:42:26,570 WARN AssetService.java - Classpath resource '/ tapestry/.js' does not exist.

and on loading the home page, I get this javascript error:

Could not load 'tapestry.html'; last tried '/__package__.js'
[Break on this error] throw _1b||Error(_1a);};dojo.debug=function() {};dojo.debugShallow=function(obj){...

Looking in Firebug, on the server-deployed webapp, it tries to load these additional javascript paths, vs the locally deployed webapp:

GET http://webapps.tlc.ucalgary.ca:8080/medvr/app?service=asset&path=% 2Ftapestry%2F/html.js 404 (30ms)app (line 101) GET http://webapps.tlc.ucalgary.ca:8080/medvr/app?service=asset&path=% 2Ftapestry%2F.js 404 (19ms)app (line 101)
GET http://webapps.tlc.ucalgary.ca:8080/__package__.js 404 (19ms)

which would appear to be the cause of the javascript error (presumably because they override the loading of the good javascripts).

Anyone have any idea why this might happen? It has only just started happening today, with the latest 4.1.2-SNAPSHOT, and I've done all the standard kick the server type actions.



PS. This is tomcat 5.5.17


Software Engineer
Teaching & Learning Centre
University of Calgary


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