Well you can do that, but if you want to send to a custom link,
I would do :
<a jwcid="@Any" href="ognl:video.url">
                               <span jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:

Le 14 févr. 07 à 08:12, Cesar Saenz a écrit :

Thanks for the quick reply
What about if I want to do something like this
<a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:doVideo" parameters="ognl:{
video.url}" >
                               <span jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:
but in wml notice how I can call the doVideo listener and pass it a
video.url is there somthing similar in wml?

On 2/13/07, Numa Schmeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nearly the same way as with HTML:

Something like this:

  <fieldset title="My Form">
             My field :
              <br/><input type="text" jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Input"
value="ognl:fvalue" name="valueInput" size="10" emptyok="false"

                <go jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Go" stateful="ognl:false"
         <postfield jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Postfield"
value="ognl:flightNb" name="ognl:components.valueInput.name" />

Le 14 févr. 07 à 08:00, Cesar Saenz a écrit :

> How do you call a listener method in wml, one that requires
> paramerters?
> Thanks
> cesar

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