
I have many problem upgrading from tap 3 to tap4, maybe someone already encountered those problem:

1/ HIVEMIND: Order for threaded service cleanup
I have threaded services that are dependant of each other. HibernateSessionFactory which implements ServiceImplementationFactory and a custom interceptor for hibernate. The interceptor is also declared in hivemind as a threaded service "auditLogInterceptor", this interceptor gets injected another threaded service CurrentPrincipal. When I start the application, the services are constructed in the following order currentPrincipal then auditLogInterceptor and then the session from HibernateSessionFactory. But when the thread cleans, in HibernateSessionFactory I have registered a notifier to commit the transaction if necessary and to close the session. The problem is that the currentPrincipal service and auditLogInterceptorService get cleaned before the notifier, thus calling the notifier and committing/ closing the session creates a brand new clean auditLogInterceptor and currentPrincipal (Thus I loose all the state)! What can I do to avoid this. I have searched the web and have seen someone with a similar problem, but James Carman seems to said that was maybe an issue with hivemind.
Do you have an idea??? PLZZZZZZZZ

2/TAPESTRY: Creating form components containing a template encapsulating other component. In tap3 I had some kind of virtual form components that consisted in a baseComponent implementing IFormComponent (so fieldlabel could work with them) that consisted of an input text and an image (The component wraped all parameters of textfield). That was a bit of a hack but worked ok. But with tap4 the same components don't work anymore because tapestry is generating two field ids one for the wrapper and one for the contained component! What would be the best way to do form component that have a template and encapsulates other components.

Thanks for you help !


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