
I'm trying to solve a problem that might be trivial in JSP, but I
can't find a way to do it in Tapestry without some collection munching
in Java.

My problem is that I have three ArrayLists that hold very similar
information, and need to be displayed inside the same table. To
explain this better, let me draw a simple diagram:

HeaderRow1       list1         list2       list3
HeaderRow2       list2         list2       list3
HeaderRow3       list3         list2       list3

That is, List1 contains a HashMap with two elements: HeaderRow1 and
the value for List1. List2 contains also a HashMap with twoelements,
HeaderRow1 and list2. The same applies to List3.

I'm thinking on using a Foreach for this, but it will only iterate
over one of the lists, and I **really** need this data to be in the
same table. Of course, more than just one column per list needs to be
displayed, my example is a simplification.

The obvious solution is to create a getJoinedTable() method and join
the three collections into one big ArrayList, but the code isn't nice,
and since I need to do this for several other pages, the picture is
not very nice.

What puzzles me is that the solution to this problem in JSP would be
soooo simple!! There has to be a "Tapestried" way to do it...



A zygote is a gamete's way of producing more gametes. This may be the
purpose of the universe.
- Robert A. Heinlein

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