
I tried implementing it exactly as you suggested but I still get to see the first page. Once I refresh or try to go somewhere it sends me to the login page.

The funny thing is, the PageRedirectException IS being thrown, its just not going to the login page.

Any ideas?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nikla Ratinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tapestry users" <users@tapestry.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: Page Validation


As an alternate approach you may override the default page source with an implementation that checks security constraints just before giving out the page instance - this basically has the
added benefit that secured page instances may not be obtained even through
(accidental) malicious code in non-secure pages or services.

-- Overridden engine
public class MyEngine extends BaseEngine
   protected IPageSource createPageSource(RequestContext context)
       return new ProtectedPageSource(this);

-- Overridden page source
public class ProtectedPageSource extends PageSource
   public ProtectedPageSource(IEngine engine)
public IPage getPage(IRequestCycle cycle, String pageName, IMonitor monitor)
       IPage page = super.getPage(cycle, pageName, monitor);
     if (page != null && page instanceof ProtectedPage)
           Visit visit = (Visit) cycle.getEngine().getVisit();
            if (visit == null || visit.getUser() == null)
                throw new PageRedirectException("Login");          }
      return page;

-- A protected page

public class ProtectedPage
   extends BasePage

Something along those lines ;)

-- Nikla

Mark Stang wrote:
This seems to work for us.

public class ValidatePage
    extends BasePage
    implements PageValidateListener
    public void pageValidate(PageEvent event)
        Mediator mediator = MgmtFactory.getMediator();
        if (!mediator.isConsole())
IPage messagePage = getRequestCycle().getPage("nonAdminConsole");
            throw new PageRedirectException(messagePage);
            // If there is no visit object or the user isn't auth'd ship
            // them off to the login page
            Visit visit = (Visit)getVisit();
            if (visit == null || !visit.isUserAuthenticated())
                Login login = (Login)getRequestCycle().getPage("login");
                throw new PageRedirectException(login);

I tried a couple of different experiments. The first was to log in and copy a link then close the browser. I wasn't able to get to the page via the direct link. If I "logout" and try and access the page via a direct link, I don't get access. If I log in and copy a link and then surf off to another page, then I can come back via the direct link. All of this is based on my use of a session and the visit object. So, reviewing you code, I would think you need to have to check more than if the visit exists. You need to store a flag saying they they have been authenticated.



Mark J. Stang
Senior Engineer/Architect
office: +1 303.468.2900
mobile: +1 303.507.2833
Ping Identity

-----Original Message-----
From: James Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 2/23/2007 6:34 AM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Page Validation

We use Tapestry 3.2

I have security (login) using PageValidateListener.

The secure page in the site is called ISOPage which extends BasePage.

I add the page validation using:
public ISOPage(){
addPageValidateListener(new PageValidationListener());

The PageValidationListener class implements PageValidateListener and does security like this:

if(visit.getUser() == null){
throw new PageRedirectException("UserLogin");

This all works fine it seems unless a direct is involved.

If I copy a directlink then try to access it without loggin in it shows me the page the directlink java code is on.

The PageRedirectException does happen and if I refresh or try to go anywhere it sends me to the login but it still shows that page first.

Any ideas?

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