On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 03:48:27PM -0600, Barry Books wrote:
> I'm not really proposing this gets fixed and it seems a bit odd to me
> that the spec prohibits '&' in a url considering everyone seems to use
> them there, but it might be nice if future versions used something
> other than '&' or allow you to configure it.

It's not that the spec prohibits &. I't just that it prohibits
*unescaped* & in XML (thus in XHTML) documents. Just as it prohibits
unescaped < and >. Thus, AFAIK, 'all' that's needed is for methods
that write attribute values to replace & by &amp; when writing. Note
that this is not URL quoting, as when replacing ' ' with +. This is an
extra layer of quoting that's supposed to be applied to *anything* that
gets written to XML, including URLs.

Rodrigo Gallardo
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